Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!


Yesterday Callie's 1st Birthday Party was at the park. We had lots of family and friends to help celebrate her 1st year of life! As you can see she had no problem getting into the cake, she really didn't eat much of it just liked squeezing it in her hands and mushing it up!



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Callie loved her new baby doll! She and Breelyn got in their 1st real fight over it and Callie won with a little help from the folks. We found her asleep last night like this, how precious!


After an exhausting last week, today we just hung out at home which was much needed!
Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Callie Ann! We love you so much and what joy you have brought us all this year!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Callie!! I can't see the pictures. Is it just me?


Hopefully now you can see them not sure what happened!

Nonni said...

Happy birthday, Callie! Hope it was a wonderful one. It's good to
see the Cotton girls again.
Will and Caroline's Nonni