Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of School 9-8-2010

Miss Callie started Parents' Day Out this week and Breelyn started Pre-K at the same place. They both seemed to really enjoy their 1st day!

Callie learned about the letter A and proudly told and showed us on the sheet she colored. We asked if she has any new friends and she said yes Abby! She was so proud of herself and her Dora lunchbox and backpack!


Breelyn loved seeing many of her friends from last year and meeting new ones as well. She loves her teacher and can't wait for school next week!
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Mommy had 5 hours to herself so a trip to TARGET of course occurred and then a little cleaning! I can't believe my baby is 2 and in school and Breelyn is a Pre-K-er!

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